While October has come and gone (quite a while ago)...here are some of the happenings that took place in our world...in our October.
We also indulged on one of THE BEST Vanilla Chai's EVER!
Enjoying the atmosphere, music and the COMPANY...lots of good friends!
Jenn doing her thang! She doesn't normally dress up like Dorothy :)
Scott and I are BLESSED to be godparents to this lil' bumble bee, Emmy. It was so much fun to experience her first holloween with her (even though she had NO CLUE of what was going on).
Isn't she cute?
but it was Marquita's (her mom) first time trick-or-treating!
One of the houses in our neighborhood turned their garage into a haunted house, so me Marquita, Georgia and Scott decided we'd go in... Georgia was stuck in the front becuase she is the bravest, then the rest of us followed. Scott, of course, on the tail end.
**Side note: It never fails, if somthing jumps out at him, he ALWAYS throws me infront of him (lol) i guess for protection. Isn't that sweet?**
Well, this haunted house was no different! The girls in front and Scott hiding behind us. We SCREAMED and LAUGHED and SCREAMED somemore...it was FUN!
HAPPY HALLOWEEN (...2 months late)
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